Discover how to date with an anxious attachment style so you can finally stop going on dates with all the wrong guys!
Learn how to recognise your triggers and set boundaries so that you can date confidently and without the worry of getting hurt all the time.
Knowing who you are, living in alignment with that and supporting that with a network of true friends that you connect with deeply is the best way to get confident in your single life, so you can do things on your own, feel like you belong, and celebrate being single! (All without having to chase a relationship!)

Learn about yourself, your personality and what you want for your single life.
Start building a true inner circle of friends that will provide you support and encouragement.
Become confident in your single life!
What you're getting inside my Single Life Confidence coaching programme:
Single Life Confidence is a 90-day programme that guides you through the exercises to connect with yourself and others in a more deep and meaningful way!
12 weekly calls, lasting 40-45 minutes each
(generally: Mondays at 8pm GMT, starting in January 2023)
A small group of women wanting to embrace their single life
2 x 30-minute 1:1 calls
Module 1:
Who you are + your personality traits
Your Single Life mindset
Testing your character
Module 2:
Choosing your tribe
Making new friends
Boundaries + expectations
Letting go of friendships
Module 3:
Doing things alone inc. solo trips, dating + living alone
Stepping into Single Life
Why you can no longer ignore doing the inner work and learning how to connect with others deeply
Connecting to yourself brings you a deeper sense of self, builds your self-worth and gets you confident in who you are and what you want!
Loneliness is an epidemic of its own, with Millennials classed as the loneliest generation because we don't know how to connect authentically. Connections brings the sense of belonging when we can connect deeply and genuinely with the right people for us.
You want to go out there and live a life you want and you can only do that through being confident in yourself - else you end up doing what everyone else says you should do (and we all know where that's got us before!)
How Much Does Single Life Confidence cost?
The mistake most people make is that they think the "self-help" route is cheaper. What they don't take into account is how slow and ineffective it can be.
Or worse, they spend money investing in hundreds of different courses that apply generally but don't really get single life, and don't piece together.
If you're like me, you want to take action of your own life now, without having to put the time in to finding all the best parts to piece together, and without lots of trial and error. The only solution is to follow a mapped out plan that takes you through the core concepts of confidence in your single life!
And this is your chance to learn from me so you can skyrocket your learning curve in little time.
And you can join the next cohort of 90 Days to Single Life Confidence for just 2 instalments of £174 (or pay in full for £299 and save!)​
Single at Christmas Workshop
If you sign up before 7.30pm GMT on Tuesday 13th December, you'll be able to take part in my Single at Christmas LIVE online workshop to help you get through the festive period, tackling the awkward family convos and how to keep busy.
Bonus #2:
1:1 Sort Your Single Life Out Session
Booking before the 1st January 2023 will get you an additional 1:1 session that starts before the course. These 1:1 let you explore the different areas of your single life out and help you decide what action to take next!
"I feel more inspired to creatively look for ways to meet new people which could lead to friendships or dates."
December 2022
I can do more things on my own and not need to wait for friends. I can enjoy things by myself and not miss out on experiences"
December 2022