Don't want to be alone on Valentine's Day?
Have fun this Valentine's Day and celebrate being single with other singles!
Valentine's Day might usually be reserved for all the lovey-dovey stuff between two couples, but at The Single Girl's Club, it's about feeling empowered in your single life, making friends with other single women and having fun no matter what your relationship status is!

Tuesday 14th February 2023
7pm - 9pm at Patch, Chelmsford
(Registration from 6.30pm)
Enjoy two hours of celebrating single life with other single women and your host for the evening, Chantelle, at a private space in Chelmsford, Essex
Learn the secret to being happy alone, and how to make friends (and keep them!) as an adult
A chance to socialise and meet other singles that don't want to let their single life stop them from having fun.
A way to not let Valentine's Day get you down, especially if this is your first Valentine's Day single after a break-up!
What you'll get at the event:
The Single on Valentine's Day event is designed for single people who don't want to be on their own!
2 hours spent avoiding all the couples on Valentine's Day and spending it with other single girls
2 x 30 minute workshops to help you in your single life, for on the day and beyond!
- The opportunity to meet other single girls to make new friends and have single girls to do stuff with, just like SO many other girls that have attended previous Single Girls Club Events.
- Registration from 6.30pm, event runs from 7pm - 9pm, at Patch, Chelmsford in our hometown, Essex
Why you can't spend Valentine's Day wallowing in your single status...
It's easy to think that Valentine's Day is something to be avoided - you're single, why would a tonne of reminders about love and relationship be worth celebrating?! But single doesn't have to mean lonely. Single means freedom. Single means opportunity. And it means being able to love yourself, no matter what your relationship status.
We're not for toxic positivity at The Single Girls Club - if you need to cry the feelings out, get them out girl, and note them down in a journal too if that's your style. But you being single doesn't need to limit your life if you don't want it to. You can be grateful for the chance to do what you want, when you want. You can appreciate being able to learn who you truly are, without the influence or pressure of a partner to compromise with on. And you can go out there, proud to be growing, learning and working on yourself as a single, independent lady - and we're here to help you step into that power at The Single on Valentine's Day event.​
Here's what other single girls have to say about The Single Girls Club events:

I felt like I was surrounded by like-minded women. I met lots of lovely ladies who live nearby and are also looking to make new friends. I came away feeling so positive and supported. I came away feeling really positive about being single and enjoying my life for me. I felt supported and heard and felt the women I was surrounded by understood me.

I loved the warm and friendly vibe of the group, you’re immediately made to feel like you’re one of the tribe and that you’re part of something truly special. The amount of support and motivation I received from strangers who have now become my friends was so wonderful. This is truly a really special club that embraces everyone.

It was a really positive boost to be surrounded by likeminded women and was a real boost going into the new year. It helped me to continue to feel comfortable and confident in my life choices. There is so much to be positive about single life!