Start finding the
right guys to date
You've been trying to date, but all you ever seem to find are the ones that say they want a relationship but it turns out, they never really do.
And you find yourself in situationship after situationship, and you're sat there wondering, is it really this hard?!
I’m Chantelle, the Love + Life Coach for single women just like you!
I’ll help you date the CLEVER way, which means managing the timewasters so that you can actually find some decent guys to date, and find the right ones for you!
The no-BS approach to dating guide shows you exactly how

Break the cycle of making the same dating mistakes to a dating approach that'll save you time, energy and let you take control in dating.
You're probably in one of two places:
You've been working on being happy on you're own, and you're now ready to get back into dating but you've heard some right old horror stories; people ghosting, not being who they say they are, and it all just seems like a lot of hassle for not a lot of guaranteed gain.
You're already in the dating phase but you're finding you're dating the same kinds of people and it never ends up going anywhere! They're the ones that say they want a relationship on their profile, but when it comes to it, they really *don't* want a relationship. That means end up going from one situationship to the next, even after your swore you wouldn't use the apps again and deleted them all, only to re-download the dating apps a week later...
Whichever of those categories you're in, I'm here to help you start dating the CLEVER way, so you can stop wasting time and start finding the right guys to date.
Wanna know how?
Grab my no-BS approach to dating guide and come into the single life world (my email list) where we'll talk all things dating with confidence like:
How to find the right guys for you
Working out what you really want
How to communicate, set and hold boundaries
Identifying and breaking your dating patterns
The no-BS approach to dating that saves you time and energy
Get Started Now
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My *BRAND NEW* community of singles doing the work to break their dating patterns.