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Chantelle Dyson:
Certified Single Life Confidence Coach, Podcast Host &

Chantelle is the host of the weekly podcast "The Single Girl's Guide to Life", discussing living alone, dating, solo travel and all things single life. Through the podcast and life coaching, Chantelle helps singles to break free from their obsession with being in a relationship, and coaches and mentors women to build their single life confidence up first and finding love for themselves.


Chantelle has taken part in panel discussions and been interviewed on topics including single life, making new friends, recovering after a break up and life after divorce.


You can find out more about how to work with Chantelle as a coach, or to invite her as a speaker at your event or on your podcast.

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Want a guided approach to getting confident in your single life? Single Life Confidence Coach, Chantelle offers 1:1 and group coaching sessions.

The Single Girl's Club

Looking for single friends?

Our growing community for single women takes place in the form of an online group, in-person events, and getaways.


Want to self-navigate your way through single life? Chantelle has resources available to help you on your personal development journey.


Looking for a speaker on Single Life, Divorce, Dating or Living Alone? Chantelle can speak in panels, give presentations and be interviewed for events.

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